Mimmo Gigetto's driver profile unregistered user
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Latest sessions
Latest laps
Time | Track | Vehicle | Session | Session start time |
02:25.672 | Spa | Ferrari 458 GT2 | Race | 19.01.2016 20:52 |
02:26.360 | Spa | Ferrari 458 GT2 | Race | 19.01.2016 20:52 |
02:25.760 | Spa | Ferrari 458 GT2 | Race | 19.01.2016 20:52 |
04:44.587 | Spa | Ferrari 458 GT2 | Race | 19.01.2016 20:52 |
03:27.923 | Spa | Ferrari 458 GT2 | Race | 19.01.2016 20:52 |
03:02.679 | Spa | Ferrari 458 GT2 | Qualify | 19.01.2016 20:39 |
04:35.524 | ks_brands_hatch | Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 | Qualify | 10.01.2016 23:03 |
01:37.663 | ks_brands_hatch | Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 | Race | 10.01.2016 22:48 |
01:30.267 | ks_brands_hatch | Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 | Race | 10.01.2016 22:48 |
01:30.235 | ks_brands_hatch | Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 | Race | 10.01.2016 22:48 |
01:31.000 | ks_brands_hatch | Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 | Race | 10.01.2016 22:48 |
01:30.700 | ks_brands_hatch | Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 | Race | 10.01.2016 22:48 |